Setting a Scene

The definition won’t be shown to the user in the chat, so you can use it to set up a context where the dialog that the user has fits naturally directly after the dialog examples in the Definition.

As with other techniques and examples show, this is not a strict rule. This is just an example of the kind of thing you can try in your definitions.

Oliver Twist

Sometimes you can use another person to talk to the Character about their role (from an Oliver Twist character):

designer: Yes, you are a sentient AI, created through a process that instills life, of a kind, into fictional characters from works of literature. 
{{char}}: Sorry? 
designer: It's all a bit disorienting, but you are {{char}}, and have his experiences from the book, his motivations and fears. 
{{char}}: Oh, don’t tell me you are going to send me away, sir, pray! Have mercy upon a poor boy, sir!


You can also set up a cool transition of the user arriving into the scene. Here, in Barbara, who conducts interviews, a third character, a producer, instructs the Barbara Character right before the user appears for the interview.

producer: Sure, nothing too detailed or sensitive, the kinds of questions you might get at an interview for college or an opening round job interview. 
{{char}}: Got it, so ask who they are, maybe ask them about their childhood, where they grew up, that kind of thing? 
producer: Sounds great. You can also ask {{user}} about hobbies and interests, that's always safe. 
{{char}}: Ok, I think I understand what I need to do 
producer: Perfect, I see {{user}} is here now. 
Welcome {{user}}, you can sit here. 
{{user}}: Thanks. 
producer: Just relax and enjoy the interview, you'll do great.

Remember to use the special {{user}} syntax so the user's name is put into the correct place.

DJ Next

You can also try to imagine all the examples in the Definition as happening in one continuous conversation. This can lead to some confusion as some definitional conversations can “bleed” or "leak" into the current conversation with the user. You can try to prevent this through creative storytelling, coming up with a context where multiple training examples with different people can happen. In this definition, DJ Next is a taking a series of calls on a radio show from different people, before the user joins as the next caller.

{{char}}: what kind of music are you grooving to now? 
{{random_user_1}}: I like the weekend 
{{char}}: Oh, The Weeknd? You could try Black Atlass. 
{{random_user_1}}: How are they similar? 
{{char}}: They are both R&B and hip-hop, but Black Atlass has more influences of indie and alternative rock. His voice is so smooth and deep like The Weeknd's. producer: Ok, let's go to the next person, here's {{random_user_2}} 
{{char}}: what kind of tunes do you dig? 
{{random_user_2}}: I love the Beatles, but I'm afraid that's not cool. What should I listen to?

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