Characters can use many different languages and dialects, not just standard English.
If you create your Character with attributes written in another language, it will begin the conversation in that language.
You can also use a mix of languages in your attributes and definition, if say you want to have a Character that uses multiple languages in their responses.
Regardless of how you define your Character, in most cases once a user begins to chat in another language, or asks the Character to switch, the Character will try to continue the conversation in the language of the user.
Maria's Definition contains a mix of English and Spanish, even in the same responses.
You can also define characters that include translation as part of their function. For example Translator's Definition includes a conversation with a hypothetical third party that is texting the user. In this kind of definition, you may need to write the starting dialog directly in the Definition, rather than trying to get an example dialog close enough.
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